selected digital output will be high.
Mimics Operation Enabled (oe) Bit of Statusword (21)
The value of the selected Digital Output mimics bit 2 of the Statusword (oe). When the “oe” bit is high, the
selected digital output will be high.
Mimics Voltage Enabled (ve) Bit of Statusword (22)
The value of the selected Digital Output mimics bit 4 of the Statusword (ve). When the “ve” bit is high, the
selected digital output will be high.
Mimics Switch On Disabled (sod) Bit of Statusword (23)
The value of the selected Digital Output mimics bit 6 of the Statusword (sod). When the “sod” bit is high, the
selected digital output will be high.
Mimics Quick Stop (qs) Bit of Statusword (24)
The value of the selected Digital Output mimics bit 5 of the Statusword (qs). When the “qs” bit is high, the
selected digital output will be high.
Mimics Warning (w) Bit of Statusword (25)
The value of the selected Digital Output mimics bit 7 of the Statusword (w). When the “w” bit is high, the
selected digital output will be high. Parameters
Timestamp at which the GPIO should trigger for “Timestamped Triggered Output”
Time of the last rising edge for “Timestamped Rising Edge”
Sets Pulse Width, Position Setpoint and the encoder for “Position
Triggered Output”
The pulse is generated independantly of the direction from which the setpoint is crossed.
Manufacture specific bits set the state of digital output
Manufacture specific bits show the state of digital inputs.
Synapticon Documentation
© 2021 Synapticon GmbH | Daimlerstraße 26 | D-71101 Schönaich Documentation v 4.19.0 | Built 2022-02-01