Check encoder system
Performs a diagnostic test of the encoder system. One rotation of the currently selected encoder will be done
in the open-loop field control mode.
The obtained data will be used to compute a distance map over a full revolution. This is helpful to detect
distance variations and hence axial runout of the encoder ring or eccentric motion.
This visualization helps you detect possible problems with the mounting of the encoder ring:
Case 1: Some axial runout detected, the ring is too close. This can lead to a collision with the read head.
Case 2: Axial runout present, check the quality of the encoder ring assembly.
Case 3: No Axial runout detected, this should be the goal.
The feature currently needs to perform a full revolution and does not respect the software position
limits. Check encoder errors
This command establishes a direct communication with the encoder chip and the Multiturn counter (if
configured). Error registers are read and displayed:
(Name), Description,
Detailed description
(STUP) Encoder startup
error. Can appear during
Multiturn configuration.
Power cycle the drive.
Encoder initialization error. The typical reason is: not saved Multiturn Counter
configuration. Connect the multiturn battery, check the battery voltage,
configure the multiturn bits in OBLAC Drives, configure internal encoder and
Save To Device. Power cycle the drive. If the error is always present, contact
Synapticon Documentation
© 2021 Synapticon GmbH | Daimlerstraße 26 | D-71101 Schönaich Documentation v 4.19.0 | Built 2022-02-01