InnoVet Select
Service Manual
13.1 Overview
Routine maintenance is to be performed 30 to 60 days after the initial installation and
every six months thereafter. It is the responsibility of the equipment owner to see that this
maintenance is performed as scheduled to meet warranty obligations. The installing
dealer or other factory authorized service organization will be able to perform this
maintenance. The following list is a minimum checklist: your maintenance procedure may
be more extensive than that shown below.
13.2 Routine Maintenance Checks
All system cables inspected for wear, binding, and tightness of connections.
High Voltage cables inspected for signs of breakdown, abrasion, or wear; receptacles
regreased and tightened into the HV transformer and x-ray tube.
Line voltage checked, and TB1/TB2 verified to be set properly for the supply.
Power module internal connections checked for wear, binding and tight connections.
Communication cables checked for wear or binding and tightness of connections.
kVp and mAs outputs verified to be within accuracy limits.
kVp and mA waveforms verified to be of the proper amplitude and shape.
Operate all of the switches on the console and verify that the appropriate switches
function properly. Some switches (such as AEC controls) may not be enabled.
Note that all text and numbers on the Console screen illuminate properly.
Some municipalities require verification of repeatability and linearity.