InnoVet Select
Service Manual
10.3 Testing for High Voltage Breakdown
The 20 kHz HF APR generator filament current feedback can be bypassed to allow
for shooting the system with an open secondary (no tube or HV cables) to
investigate the source of secondary arcing. This procedure should only be
performed by personnel familiar with high voltage tests and/or under the guidance
of Technical Support.
When DIP1 - 3 is in the CLOSED (ON) position (01003-000System Controller pcb),
the rotor and filament interlocks and feedbacks are disabled. In this condition, the
generator will make kVp, but not mA and will not spin the anode of the tube. This
allows potential to be placed on the high tension transformer.
Monitor the kVp feedback test point
on the System Controller pcb to look for
evidence of high voltage breakdown, such as spikes to high potential or spikes to
ground. If none are present, the cables or tube would be suspect. Also monitor the
mA feedback point
as there should be no mA. If present, the tank is suspect.
When finished with this test, ensure that DIP1-3 is returned to the OPEN (OFF)