1 1 8
To tal co o king time 2 2 -2 7 minutes
Utensils: Bo wl with lid (2 l capacity)
shallo w square so ufflé mo uld with lid
(appro x 2 0 x 2 0 x 6 cm)
3 0 0 g
tinned to mato es
5 0 g
ham, finely cubed
o nio n (5 0 g), finely cho pped
clo ve o f garlic, crushed
2 5 0 g
minced meat (beef)
2 tbsp
mashed to mato (3 0 g)
salt, pepper
o regano , thyme, basil, nutmeg
1 5 0 ml cream (crème fraîche)
1 0 0 ml milk
5 0 g
grated Parmesan cheese
1 tsp
mixed cho pped herbs
1 tsp
o live o il
1 tsp
vegetable o il to grease the mo uld
1 2 5 g
lasagne verde
1 tbsp
grated Parmesan cheese
1 tbsp butter o r margarine
1. C ut the tomatoes into slices, mix w ith the ham
a nd onion, g a rlic, minced mea t a nd ma shed
tomato. Season and cook w ith the lid on.
7 -9 M ins
. 8 0 0 W
2 . M ix the cream w ith the milk, Parmesan cheese,
herbs, oil, and spices.
3 . G rease the soufflé mould and cover the bottom of
the mould w ith about
1 /
of the pasta. Put half of
the minced meat mixture on the pasta and pour
on some sa uce. Put a n a d d itiona l
1 /
of the
pasta on top follow ed by another layer of the
minced meat mixture and some sauce, finishing
w ith the remaining pasta on top. Finally, cover the
p a sta w i th lo ts o f sa uc e a nd sp ri nkle w i th
Parmesan cheese. Place butter flakes on top and
cook w ith the lid on.
1 5 -1 8 M ins
. 5 6 0 W
A fte r c o o ki ng , l e t the l a sa g ne sta nd fo r
approximately 5 -1 0 minutes.
To tal co o king time 1 9 -2 1 minutes
Utensils: Bo wl with lid (2 l capacity)
5 tbsp
o live o il (5 0 ml)
1 clo ve garlic, crushed
o nio n (5 0 g), sliced
small aubergine (2 5 0 g), cut into cubes
co urgette (2 0 0 g), into cubes
pepper (2 0 0 g), cut into large cubes
Small fennel (7 5 g) cut into large cubes
bo uquet garni
2 0 0 g
tinned articho ke hearts, cut into quarters
salt, pepper
1. Place the olive oil and garlic clove in the bowl. Add
the prepared vegetables, except the artichoke hearts,
and season with pepper. Add the bouquet garni,
cover and cook, stirring once.
1 9 -2 1 M ins
. 800 W
For the last 5 minutes, add the artichoke hearts and heat.
2. Season the ratatouille to taste with salt and pepper.
Remove the bouquet garni before serving. After
cooking, leave the ratatouille to stand for around 2
Tip: Ratatouille can be served hot with meat dishes.
Served cold, it also makes an excellent starter.
A bouquet garni consists of: one stalk of parsley,
a bunch of herbs suitable for seasoning soup, one
stalk of lovage, one stalk of thyme, several bay