8000 AQUA
Bit 03, No trip/trip:
Bit 03 = "0" means that the VLT 8000 AQUA
is not in an error state.
Bit 03 = "1" means that the VLT 8000 AQUA
has tripped and needs a reset signal in order
for operation to be resumed.
Bit 04, Not in use:
Bit 04 is not used in the status word.
Bit 05, Not in use:
Bit 05 is not used in the status word.
Bit 06, trip lock:
Bit 06 = "1" means that there is a trip lock.
Bit 07, No warning/warning:
Bit 07 = "0" means there is no warning. Bit 07
= "1" means a warning has occurred.
Bit 08, Speed
ref./speed = ref.:
Bit 08 = "0" means that the motor is running, but
that the present speed is different from the preset
speed reference. This may be the case, i.a. when
the speed is ramped up/down at start/stop.
Bit 08 = "1" means that the present motor speed
equals the preset speed reference.
Bit 09, Local operation/serial communication control:
Bit 09 = "0" means that OFF/STOP has been
activated on the control unit, or that the VLT 8000
AQUA is in Hand mode. It is not possible to control
the AFD via serial communication.
Bit 09 = "1" means that it is possible to control
the AFD via serial communication.
Bit 10, Out of frequency range:
Bit 10 = "0" if the output frequency has reached
the value in parameter 201
Output frequency
low limit
or parameter 202
Output frequency
high limit
. Bit 10 = "1" means that the output
frequency is within the limits stated.
Bit 11, Not running/running:
Bit 11 = "0" means that the motor is not running.
Bit 11 = "1" means that the VLT 8000 AQUA has a start
signal, or that the output frequency is greater than 0 Hz.
Bit 12, No function:
Bit 12 has no function.
Bit 13, Voltage warning high/low:
Bit 13 = "0" means that there is no voltage warning.
Bit 13 = "1" means that the DC voltage of the VLT
8000 AQUA intermediate circuit is too low or too high.
See the voltage limits in
Warnings and alarms.
Bit 14, Current limit:
Bit 14 = "0" means that the output current is smaller
than the value in parameter 215
Current limit I
Bit 14 = "1" means that the output current is higher
than the value in parameter 215
Current limit I
and the AFD will trip after the time set in parameter
Trip delay overcurrent, I
has passed.
Bit 15, Thermal warning:
Bit 15 = "0" means there is no thermal warning. Bit
15 = "1" means that the temperature limit has been
exceeded either in the motor, in the AFD or from a
thermistor connected to an analogue input.
Serial communication reference
The serial communication reference is transmitted
to the AFD in the form of a 16-bit word. The
value is transmitted as whole numbers
0 - ±32767 (±200 %).
16384 (4000 Hex) corresponds to 100 %.
The serial communication reference has
the following format:
0-16384 (4000 Hex) - 0-100 % (par. 204
. - Par. 205
Maximum ref
It is possible to change the direction of rotation via the
serial reference. This is done by converting the binary
reference value to 2
s complement. See example.
MG.80.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Rosewood STP ST42 General (Operation and Maintenance Manual - Part 4:
Section 6.3 Manufacturers Manuals 6.3.33 Danfoss VLT Aquadrive 8000) Vendor Manual
QP Id: VM207
Active: 03/09/2013
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