8000 AQUA
Example - Index:
The first error code (index [1]) in parameter
Error code
must be read.
PKE = 1267 Hex (read parameter 615
Error code
). IND = 0001 Hex - Index no. 1.
The VLT AFD will respond in the parameter value
(PWE) block by means of an error code with
a value from 1-99. See
List of warnings and
to identify the error code.
Parameter value (PWE)
The parameter value block consists of 2 words
(4 bytes) and its value depends on the command
given (AK). If the master enquires about a parameter
value, the PWE block contains no value.
If a parameter value is to be changed by the
master (write), the new value is entered in the
PWE block and sent to the slave.
If the slave responds to a parameter requirement (read
command), the present parameter value is transferred
in the PWE block and returned to the master.
If a parameter does not contain a numerical value,
but several data selection options, e.g. parameter
, where [0] is
and [1] is
the data value is selected by writing the value in the
PWE block. See example on the following page.
Via the serial communication it is only possible to read
parameters with data type 9 (text string). In VLT 8000
AQUA, parameters 621-631
Nameplate data
have data
type 9. For example, it is possible in parameter 621
(Unit Type) to read the unit size and line voltage range.
When a text string is transferred (read), the telegram
length is variable, since the texts have different
lengths. The telegram length is stated in the 2nd
byte of the telegram, called LGE.
In order to read a text via the PWE block, the
parameter command (AK) must be set to
The index character is used to indicate whether
the command in question is a read or write
command. For a read command, the index
must have the following format:
VLT 8000 AQUA has two parameters for which a
text can be written: parameters 533 and 534
, see the description of these under the parameter
description. In order to write a text via the PWE block,
the parameter command (AK) must be set to
For a write command, the index must have
the following format:
Data types supported by the VLT AFD
Integer 16
Integer 32
Unsigned 8
Unsigned 16
Unsigned 32
Text string
Unsigned means there is no sign included
in the telegram.
MG.80.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Rosewood STP ST42 General (Operation and Maintenance Manual - Part 4:
Section 6.3 Manufacturers Manuals 6.3.33 Danfoss VLT Aquadrive 8000) Vendor Manual
QP Id: VM207
Active: 03/09/2013
Page 152 of 208