8000 AQUA
Serial communication for FC protocol
As standard, all VLT 8000 AQUA units have a RS 485
port which enables a choice among four protocols.
Modbus RTU*
* Please note that these are option cards with
separate input terminals.
Telegram communication
Control and reply telegrams
The telegram communication in a master/slave system
is controlled by the master. A maximum of 31 slaves
can be connected to one master, unless a repeater
is used. If a repeater is used, a maximum of 126
slaves can be connected to one master.
The master continuously sends telegrams addressed
to the slaves and awaits reply telegrams from these.
The response time of the slaves is max. 50 ms.
Only a slave that has received a faultless
telegram addressed to that slave will response
by sending a reply telegram.
A master can send the same telegram at the same
time to all slaves connected to the bus. In such
communication, the slave does not
send a reply telegram to the master, provided the
telegram has been correctly received.
communication is set up in the address format (ADR),
see the next page. Contents of a character (byte)
MG.80.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Rosewood STP ST42 General (Operation and Maintenance Manual - Part 4:
Section 6.3 Manufacturers Manuals 6.3.33 Danfoss VLT Aquadrive 8000) Vendor Manual
QP Id: VM207
Active: 03/09/2013
Page 148 of 208