Manual Operation
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
Function Blocks in the Block Diagram
Each block represents a function of signal generation. The function is indicated in the
headline of the block. In the check box, the respective function can be quickly activa-
ted/ deactivated with the TOGGLE ON/OFF (CTRL+T) key. After activation, the block
is displayed in blue. Status information is displayed below the check box. It is different
for the different blocks.
Pressing the rotary knob (front panel) or the "Config..." button (mouse) opens the asso-
ciated setting menu.
Example: Modulation block
In this block, the modulation signals are set. The status information of the "Modulation"
block indicates the selected modulation.
Signal Flow and Input/Output Symbols in the Block Diagram
The input/output symbols in the block diagram show the currently used inputs and out-
puts of the signal generator. Unused inputs and outputs are not shown. The lines indi-
cate the signal flow.
Symbols and labels refer to the corresponding inputs and outputs on the front and rear
panel of the signal generator. The direction - input or output - is indicated by an arrow.
The symbols indicate the input for the external pulse signal on the
instrument rear panel.
4.2.5 Structure of the Dialogs
The parameters are set in the menus. Menus are accessed either via the function
blocks in the diagram or by means of the MENU (CTRL+M) key. The menus are dis-
played on top of the block diagram.
Working with menus and dialog boxes is described in
on page 80; the setting of parameters in
Chapter 4.4, "Setting Parameters"