Manual Operation
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
The menus are in Windows format. The menus differ in details depending on their
function but they consist of the same main elements. Each menu consists of a menu
header and one or more menu areas with various fields for setting parameters.
The header line contains the name of the menu and the buttons for minimizing and
closing the menu. To operate the buttons, use the mouse or the front key CLOSE
Several fields of associated but separately set parameters are organized in menu
areas. A menu area is framed and labelled with the function common to all parameters.
Example: Pulse Generator
Each of the setting fields is assigned a parameter name. The kind of setting varies
depending on the parameter to be set. Some settings can only be made in a specific
configuration. If setting is not permitted with the specific configuration selected, the
respective item is disabled and displayed in gray and the entry or selection field cannot
be accessed.
4.3 Accessing Dialogs
The MENU (CTRL+M) key opens the complete menu tree. Selecting a functional block
and pressing the ENTER key opens the menu associated with this block.
An alternatively way to access a dialog is to use the Winbar buttons or front-panel soft-
keys or to use the HIDE (CTRl+H), CLOSE (ESC), DIAGRAM (CTRL+D) and REARR
(CTRL+A) keys on the front panel.
For a quick access to the dialogs, use one of the following alternative methods.
Displaying the block diagram or a dialog in the foreground
1. Press the DIAGRAM (CTRL+D) key to move the cursor to the block diagram.
All active menus are minimized and displayed in the form of Winbar buttons.
2. Press the associated softkey (CTRL+F1 .. F8) to display the dialog in the fore-
ground again.
Accessing the menu tree
► Press the MENU (CTRL+M) key to open the complete menu tree.
Calling the File, Setup or Hardcopy dialogs
► Use the FILE (CTRL+S), SETUP (CTRL+E) or HCOPY (CTRL+Y) keys to open the
respective dialog.
Accessing Dialogs