Manual Operation
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
Minimizing an active menu
► Use the HIDE (CTRL+H) key to minimize an active menu.
It is displayed in the form of a Winbar button.
Automatically arranging displayed menus
► Press the REARR (CTRL+A) key to rearrange all open menus so that they overlap
as little as possible.
Activating the Winbar
► Use the WINBAR (CTRL+W) key to toggle the cursor between a button of the
"Winbar" and the block diagram.
The button that was active last in the Winbar is highlighted.
Closing an active menu
► Press the CLOSE key to close an active menu.
If the cursor is at the highest menu level, you can also use the ESC key to
close the active menu.
Accessing the header area
► Press the FREQ (CTRL+F) and LEVEL (CTRL+L) keys to activate the "Frequency"
or "Level" entry fields in the header area.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts (e.g. "Ctrl + D" for the displaying the block diagram in the fore-
ground) provide direct access to all utility dialogs of the instrument (see
"Legend of Front-Panel Controls"
4.4 Setting Parameters
The R&S
SMF offers several and sometimes alternative possibilities for setting param-
eters. Operation is possible from the front panel, with the aid of a mouse and/or from a
PC keyboard.
The examples whitin this description focus on the operation from the front panel.
Setting Parameters