Instrument Function
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
"Factory Preset" resets the "Remote Channel" and network settings to the
default values.
Executing "Factory Preset" via remote control terminates the connection to the instru-
ment, if these settings had been configured to values different to the default ones.
The factory preset function resets nearly all instrument settings. In addition to the regu-
lar preset by means of the PRESET key, a "Factory Preset" resets also the following
Reference frequency settings ("Ref Oscillator" menu)
Power on settings ("Level/EMF" menu)
Network settings including hostname ("Setup" menu)
Remote channel settings including GPIB address ("Setup" menu)
Start/Stop display update ("Setup" menu)
Display and keyboard settings ("Setup" menu).
To maintain security, password settings and all settings protected by these passwords
like disabled USB and LAN connections are not changed.
Not affected by the "Factory Preset" are also user data, lists or instrument settings
files, created for example by means of the Save/Recall function.
Remote command:
The "Help" dialog offers comprehensive online help for the R&S
SMF. A desired topic
can be selected via the table of contents (select "Manual") or the index (select "Index").
For context-sensitive information about a marked parameter, press the HELP key. For
a description of the "Help" menu, refer to the section covering to the HELP key (see
Chapter 5.2.7, "Help System - Help Key"
5.2.4 Switching to Manual Control - Local Key
The local key switches from remote control to manual control (local state).
In remote control mode the instrument indicates the remote state in the display header.
The rest of the display remains unchanged and shows the current instrument status,
that means the status which exists under the remote control settings. The instrument
can be operated (for example dialogs can be opened). However, it is not possible to
enter or change values.
General Instrument Settings