TOPEX Bytton (HSPA+ / LTE)
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How it works:
The mail server (using SMTP) sends an e-mail to the IP of the Bytton equipment.
Bytton sends out a SMS with the respective content, via mobile module, using the telephone number
provided with the e-mail message.
The total length of the S Body must be at most equal to the maximum text length for the respective
mobile carrier. Typically, this is 160 ASCII characters, but it dorps to 70 when you need to send non-ASCII
characters (such as şţî’âă or €©™∞µα
). Also, the limit may depend upon the region of the world,
country, and mobile carrier (operator) used by the SIM card in your Bytton equipment.
rotocol is a protocol widely used across the Internet for sending e-mail messages
between servers. SMTP is generally used to send messages from a mail client to a mail server.
You must specify the port number to be used for SMTP.
Also, you must “tell” to the Bytton equipment if the destination
telephone number is to be found in the “Subject” field or in the
“To” field of the e-mail message.
Figure 5-202: Configure the E-mail to SMS feature of Bytton
To be able to use email2sms, you must
create on your computer special mail
account, dedicated for this feature.
In this example, the e-mail account is
called “Test”, ad uses a fake address
Figure 5-203: Preparing a dedicated E-
mail account to be used with the SMS
feature of Bytton