Parker Hannifin Corporation
Parflex Division
Ravenna, Ohio
Bulletin No. 4660-PGP2T
Flexible Gas Piping System
Design and Installation Guide
Section 5.0 Inspection, Repair & Replacement
5.2 Repair of Damaged Tubing
Inspect the tubing carefully to determine the type of damage which has occurred. Stripping the polymer
jacket off of the damaged area is recommended.
1. Parflex must be repaired if the metallic tubing has been deeply nicked, cut or punctured.
2. Parflex must be repaired if the diameter in the damaged area has been crushed or dented to less than
two-thirds of its original diameter.
3. Parflex must be repaired if the tubing has been permanently kinked or creased by twisting or bending
beyond the minimum bend radius.
4. Do not attempt to assemble fittings onto any tubing ends which appear damaged by excessive stretch-
ing, bending, crushing or twisting.
Repair unnecessary—No significant
damage to the tubing due to minor im-
pact or crushing.
Repair necessary—Significant dam-
age to the tubing due to impact or
Repair necessary—Significant
damage to the tubing due to
bending beyond minimum
bend radius.
Methods of Repair
Parflex repairs can be made by adding a line splice or straight coupling if the tubing length is short, easily
accessible, and if enough slack exists to make up for the removed damaged length.
The preferred repair method is to replace the entire tubing length. Replacement is often faster than repair-
ing a damaged section and eliminates additional fitting joints in the line.
Do not attempt to seal, weld, braze, straighten, reshape or otherwise mend damaged CSST
. When repairs
or replacements involve coupling CSST systems from different manufacturers, connectors must be joined
using code approved standard pipe couplings and manufacturer’s recommended CSST couplings.
Long Repaired Section
Repair of Damaged Tubing with a New Section of Tubing and Two Joint Splices.
New Tubing Section
Tubing Coupling Fitting
Standard Pipe Coupling
Tubing (Type A) Fitting
Tubing (Type B) Fitting
Short Repaired Section
Repair of Damaged Tubing with noncompatible System
Typical Tubing Splice with Standard Coupling
Straight Coupling