Parker Hannifin Corporation
Parflex Division
Ravenna, Ohio
Bulletin No. 4660-PGP2T
Flexible Gas Piping System
Design and Installation Guide
Section 1.0 Introduction
1.1 Warnings to User
The Application of the Parflex Flexible Gas Piping System, Parflex System, must be performed by a qualified in-
staller. The installer must be qualified by all applicable state and/or local authorities having jurisdiction and must
have successfully completed the Parflex training program.
Strict adherence to all local building codes as well as this guide during the Application of the piping system must be
performed. Improper Applications could cause bodily injury or property damage including explosions, fires, or gas
This guide is to be used in combination with local building codes. Where a discrepancy occurs between this guide
and the local building codes the local code shall take precedence.
This manual provides the required practices to the professional gas installer in the Application of Parflex System.
The required practices contained in this guide apply only to the Parflex System. Use of other CSST systems in
conjunction with the Parflex System is prohibited. Standard steel pipe fittings must be used to join existing piping
systems from other CSST manufacturers in the cases of addition or repair.
1.2 Design Guide Limitations
This guide is written to aid the certified gas tubing installer in the Application of the Parflex System for residential
and commercial buildings. This guide does not cover every possible variation in plumbing configurations, construc-
tion styles, appliance loads and local restrictions. Applications not covered in this document will require the system
designer and installer to seek technical assistance from other sources.
The techniques included in this document are recommended practice for general applications. System design and
installation practices must comply with all applicable local fuel gas codes and building codes.
Where conflict exists
between the recommended practice and local codes, the local code must take precedence unless a variance is
obtained from the local authority having jurisdiction.
This design guide and related components are only to be used
for the Application of Parker’s Parflex Systems where operating pressure does not exceed 5 psig. Contact your local
fuel gas utility for additional information about gas piping systems.
This document has been prepared in accordance with the latest national and regional codes in effect. Parker cannot
assure the installer local code officials will accept these codes. It is the responsibility of the system installer to
determine the suitability of using Parflex gas piping and components in construction.
Parker assumes no responsi-
bility for the use of CSST which has been installed or repaired in deviation from procedures recommended in this
guide whether pursuant to local building codes or otherwise.
1.3 Listings of Standards and Codes
— The Parflex Flexible Gas Piping System has been tested in accordance with the American National
Standard for “Fuel Gas Systems Using Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing,” (ANSI/AGA LC1, CSA 6.26).
Listings and Codes
IAS ........................International Approval Services
ICBO .....................International Conference of Building Officials
IAPMO ..................International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials
BOCA ....................Building Officials Code Administrators International
CABO ....................Council of American Building Officials
NFPA 54 ...............National Fuel Gas Code
IFCG .....................International Fuel Gas Code
IMC .......................International Mechanical Code
IPC ........................International Plumbing Code
CSA.......................Canadian Standards Association
ICC ........................International Code Council