Parker Hannifin Corporation
Parflex Division
Ravenna, Ohio
Bulletin No. 4660-PGP2T
Flexible Gas Piping System
Design and Installation Guide
4.4 Strike Protection
Parflex CSST should be routed in areas to avoid penetration threats, physical damage and have the freedom to move.
If Parflex tubing is constrained from movement, concealed from view, and within 3 inches of a penetration threat,
strike protection must be installed.
Striker Plates
• Parker Parflex (CSST) must be protected from physical damage at support points and locations where
the tubing passes through joists, studs, clamps and floor plates.
• A protection device must be installed at all locations where tubing is constrained from movement,
concealed from view and within 3 inches of a potential penetration threat.
• At support points where tubing passes less than 3 inches away from the edge of a stud, joist or plate,
a full or half striker plate must be installed to shield the tubing over a 5 inch protection length on each
side of the support.
• When Parflex CSST tubing is routed through insulated exterior walls, the tubing must be run between
the face of the insulation and the interior wall surface. A half striker plate must also be installed.
Protective Striker Plates Required
Section 4.0 Installation Practices