Parker Hannifin Corporation
Parflex Division
Ravenna, Ohio
Bulletin No. 4660-PGP2T
Flexible Gas Piping System
Design and Installation Guide
Section 4.0 Installation Practices
Roof Mounted Equipment
Connection of Parflex (CSST) to roof mounted equipment should follow local codes and manufactur-
er’s instructions. Standard roof penetrations should be close (approximately 6 ft.) to the appliance and
sealed to prevent the entry of water. When long lengths of Parflex (CSST) are run exposed on a roof,
common practice is to support the tubing every 6 feet with nonmetallic blocks which raise the tubing
off the roof or a distance specified by local code.
Pad Mounted Equipment
Gas appliances mounted on exterior
block foundations or concrete pads such
as air conditioners, heat pumps, pool
heaters or natural gas fueling stations
must be connected to the Parflex (CSST)
system at a flange fitting or stubout
using rigid pipe or a code approved, out-
door appliance connector.