Parker Hannifin Corporation
Parflex Division
Ravenna, Ohio
Bulletin No. 4660-PGP2T
Flexible Gas Piping System
Design and Installation Guide
Section 4.0 Installation Practices
Outdoor Routing
Guidelines for Installation of
(CSST) in Outdoor Applications
Parker Parflex tubing and fittings meet all performance requirements for outdoor applications and comply
with ANSI LC1b specifications.
For optimum performance in outdoor applications, the external polymer jacket on Parflex
(CSST) should not be removed. All exposed CSST should be protected by sleeving or wrapping with
tape to prevent exposure to acids or chloride based solutions.
Exposed tubing on the outside of a structure located between the ground and a 6 foot height must be
protected in a sealed conduit or weather-tight chase which is routed and secured to avoid mechanical
damage. If tubing is installed in a location where the tubing is not susceptible to damage, the conduit
may not be necessary.
When Parflex tubing must be buried underground or encased in cement (slabs, foundations, etc.), the
tubing must be routed within a code approved, plastic watertight conduit. This nonmetallic conduit is
to have an inside diameter 1/2 inch (1 inch in Canada) larger than the Parflex tube outer diameter. Ex-
posed conduit ends must be sealed to prevent the entry of water and debris. Follow standard building
code practices when routing Parflex in crawl spaces or underneath mobile homes.
Routing through Fire Walls, Ducts, Plenums
If Parflex passes through fire walls or fire resistant construction, standard UL® approved practice is to remove
the plastic jacketing for 2 feet on both sides of the wall and completely seal the penetration site with approved
caulk or other code approved material for gypsum, masonry board or wood construction. Caulk must fill the
entire annular space around the tube circumference for a nominal depth of 1 1/4 inches on each side of the
gypsum wallboard. Only one run of tubing per penetration is permitted through the fire wall. Review building
codes and contact Parker for other approved methods.
If Parflex is routed through air ducts or plenums, building codes require the materials to meet ASTM 84
flammability ratings of 25 flame spread and 50 smoke density. The plastic Parflex jacket must be removed
and the steel tubing labeled as “fuel gas line” in compliance with local building codes. Jacket removal is
easily done by exposing and pulling on the string located under the jacket.
Routing and Sealing CSST through Fire Walls