Parker Hannifin Corporation
Parflex Division
Ravenna, Ohio
Bulletin No. 4660-PGP2T
Flexible Gas Piping System
Design and Installation Guide
5. Sizing Section C – Section C must supply the water heater and dryer. The total appliance load is 34 +
25 = 59 CFH. Using the longest length method, the length is 78 ft. Referring to Table 17 under the 80 ft.
length column, we find that 3/4 inch black iron pipe has flow capacity above 59 CFH (118). Use 3/4 inch
black iron pipe to run Section C.
6. Sizing Section D – Section D is being run with CSST and will supply the water heater. The total load
is 34 CFH and the total length is 20 ft. + 30 ft. + 10 ft. + 18 ft. = 78 ft. Refer to Table 1 under the 80 ft.
column. We find that ½ inch (PGP-8) has capacity of 34 CFH (34). Use 1/2 inch (PGP-8) to run Section D.
7. Sizing Section E – Section E supplies the furnace/boiler. The total load is 75 CFH and the total length
is 10 ft. + 20 ft. = 30 ft. Referring to Table 1 under the 30 ft. column, we find that 3/4 inch (PGP-12) has
capacity above 75 CFH (96). Use 3/4 inch (PGP-12) to run Section E.
8. Sizing Section F – Section F supplies the range/oven. The total load is 50 CFH and the total length is 20
ft. + 30 ft. + 15 ft. = 65 ft. Referring to Table 1 under the 70 ft. column, we find that 1 inch (PGP-16 ) has
capacity above 75 CFH (157). Use 1 inch (PGP-16) to run Section E.
9. Sizing Section G – Section G supplies the dryer. The total load is 25 CFH and the total length is 20 ft. +
30 ft. + 10 ft. + 12 ft. = 72 ft. Referring to Table 1 under the 80 ft. column, we find that ½ inch (PGP-8)
has capacity above 25 CFH (34). Use 1/2 inch (PGP-8) to run Section G.
Section 3.0 System Configuration & Sizing
Parflex System / Steel Pipe Hybrid System Example -
Summation of Pressure Drops Method - See example at www.parflexsystem.com