6-5 Trial Operation
6-5 Trial Operation
When you have finished installation, wiring, and switch settings and have confirmed that status is
normal after turning ON the power supply, perform trial operation. The main purpose of trial
operation is to confirm that the servo system is electrically correct.
If an error occurs during the trial operation, refer to Chapter 8 Troubleshooting to eliminate the
cause. Then check for safety, and then retry the trial operation.
Preparation for Trial Operation
Checks before Trial Operation
Check the following items before starting trial operation.
Make sure that all wiring is correct, especially the power supply input and motor output.
Make sure that there are no short-circuits. Check the ground for short-circuits as well.
Make sure that there are no loose connections.
Power Supply Voltage
Make sure that the voltage corresponds to the rated voltage.
Motor Installation
Make sure that the Servomotor has been securely installed.
Disconnection from Mechanical System
If necessary, make sure that the Servomotor has been disconnected from the mechanical system.
Make sure that the brake has been released.
Trial Operation with CX-Drive
1. Connect connector CN1.
2. Input power (12 to 24 VDC) for the control signals (+24VIN, COM).
3. Turn ON the power supply to the Servo Drive.
4. Confirm that the parameters are set to the standard settings.
5. Connect the Computer Communications Cable to CN3, and write parameters from
6. Write the parameters to EEPROM and then turn OFF the power supply and turn it ON
7. Turn the status to Servo ON with jog operation via CX-Drive, and Servo lock the
8. Perform low speed jog operation via CX-Drive.
9. Check the Servomotor rotation speed.