OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
“Unit #”
- Identifies the unit generating the graph. This field is helpful
when multiple units are generating graphs.
“Archive Path”
- The location to save the data files
“Logo Path”
- Allows you to place a desired product logo on test graphs.
Navigate to where logos are saved and select a logo (.JPG format) to
print on the graph at the end of the test.
“Bob Height”
- The height of the bob in millimeters
“Bob Diameter”
- The diameter of the bob in millimeters
“Conditioning Speed”
- The speed (RPM) for conditioning the cement
slurry prior to the SGSM test.
The standard conditioning speed is set at 30 RPM. This speed can be
changed based upon your specific needs and/or conditions.
“Conditioning Time”
- This is the amount of time the SGSM will
condition the cement before it begins measuring gel strength. This value
must be at least 2 minutes.
After the Conditioning Time, the SGSM will measure the rate of gel
strength development and calculate the gel strength of the slurry based
on the variables entered in the setup screen of the software.
“Test Speed”
- The speed (RPM) the bob will rotate to measure the gel
strength of the cement.
“Test Time”
- The amount of time the bob will rotate while measuring the
gel strength.
“Wait Time”
- The amount of time the bob will pause between gel
strength measurement periods.
“Strength #1”, Strength #2”, ... “Strength #5”
- Enter a gel strength
value in each of these fields. When the cement reaches that gel strength,
the software will record the elapsed time and print it on the graph.