OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
Pressure Transducer
The pressure should be calibrated on new instruments and whenever the
pressure transducer has been replaced. For further assistance, contact
OFITE Technical Support.
1. System Preparation
a. Start the UCA or SGSM software.
b. Go to Utilities
Pressure Transducer.
c. Click “Accept” once you are ready to calibrate.
d. Vent the test cell of all pressure. When the reading on the display
stabilizes click “Accept.”
e. Remove the Fuse Panel on the right side. Push the calibration shunt
jumper. Notice the red flaps on the shunt, are no longer visible.
The alarm will sound since the shunt sets the pressure reading to 24,000
PSI higher than the max allowed rating.
Red Flaps
Not Visible
Fuse Panel