The access point detects new firmware if any is available and displays the latest
version available.
5. To read the release notes if any are available, click the Release Notes link.
A web page displays the release notes.
6. To download and install the new firmware, click the Upgrade Now button, and
follow the prompts and dialog boxes.
The access point locates the firmware, downloads it, and begins the update.
To avoid the risk of corrupting the firmware, do not interrupt the update.
For example, do not close the browser, click a link, or load a new page. Do not turn
off the access point. Wait until the access point finishes restarting and the
Power/Cloud LED remains solid green or solid blue.
The firmware update process takes several minutes. When the update is complete,
your access point restarts.
7. Verify that the access point runs the new firmware version by logging back in to the
access point.
The firmware version is displayed on the Dashboard page.
8. Read the new firmware release notes to determine whether you must reconfigure
the access point after updating.
Manually download firmware and update the access point
Downloading firmware to a local computer and updating the access point are two
separate tasks that are combined in the following procedure. After you update the
access point to new firmware, the old firmware is saved as backup firmware so that you
can revert to it (see Revert to the backup firmware on page 164).
When you install an older firmware version (or the backup firmware version),
that is, you downgrade rather than update the firmware, the configuration of the access
point is reset (cleared) with the exception of the IP address, access point name, and
password for the local browser UI. The access point restarts and broadcasts SSID
Netgearxxxxxx, in which xxxxxx represents the last six hexadecimal digits of the access
point’s MAC address. The MAC address is listed on the product label. The default WiFi
passphrase is sharedsecret.
User Manual
Manage and Maintain the Access
Insight Managed WiFi 6E AXE7800 Tri-band Multi-Gig Access Point Model WAX630E