Apex Classic Setup and Programming Guide v2.2
Completely silent operation on the 6 solid state switched outlets (5 amps
max per outlet).
Solid State outlets feature a soft-start mechanism for reduced pump wear.
2 Relay controlled outlets for higher power switching (each 10 amps max).
15 amp circuit breaker for overload protection.
Built-in powered 6 port AquaBus hub to easily add accessory modules.
High reliability direct wired connection to the AquaController Apex system
through the AquaBus.
Powers the AquaController Apex Display, Apex Base Module and accessories
through the AquaBus.
Active electrical current monitoring, power failure detection and logging
through the AquaController Apex.
If communication failure occurs between the AquaController Apex system
and the EnergyBar 8 (cable is unplugged for example), each outlet can be
configured to revert to a user defined default setting or maintain the last
Compact custom aluminum enclosure with 4 mounting holes (10.0" x 3.75"
x 1.8").
DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DNS – Domain Name Service
IP – Internet Protocol
ISP – Internet Service Provider
ORP – Oxygen Reduction Potential
RSS – Really Simple Syndication
SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
URL – Uniform Resource Locator
XML – eXtensible Markup Language
Apex Base Module
Apex Display Module
Apex EnergyBar 8
Apex Temperature Probe
pH Probe (optional)
ORP Probe (not supported on Apex Lite, optional on Apex)
AquaBus Cable
Ethernet cable