Apex Classic Setup and Programming Guide v2.2
Web Interface: Configuration – Outlet Setup – in the Outlet box near the
top of the page, select the outlet to edit from the dropdown box. When the
Control Type for this outlet is set to Advanced, an Advanced Setup box will
appear on the lower half of this page with the existing Advanced program
displayed. Simply edit/add/delete the commands, one per line in the
Advanced Program area. When finished, click the Update Outlet button to
verify the commands and save the program.
NOTE: If you enter a command incorrectly, an error message will appear
above the Outlet box indicating which line contains the error when you
attempt to save the Advanced program. Remedy the error and click Update
Outlet to save.
See the section titled Appendix 3 – Programming Reference to learn the proper
usage and syntax for AquaController Apex commands. See the section titled
Appendix 4 – Advanced Programming Examples for examples of Apex Program
Virtual outlets are outlets that are programmed to perform a function may not
have a physical outlet associated with the outlet program. Unused EnergyBar or
Direct Connect outlets can be used for Virtual Outlets but a no cost way to add
Virtual Outlets is to add a virtual DC8 to the configuration that does not actually
exist (see the section titled Adding Legacy Outlets for instructions). Just make
sure to use an address space that does not conflict with any physical outlets you
Virtual outlets are an advanced programming tool that can solve programming
The status of switches cannot be displayed on the Display Screens, only outlets
and probes are allowed. To solve this, setup a Virtual Outlet that turns on and off
in response to the switch. Take for example, you have a float switch in the sump
to measure sump level that you would like to display on a Status Screen. You
could create a Virtual Outlet called Sump_Low and program it as follows:
<Virtual Outlet Sump_Low>
If Switch1 = CLOSED Then OFF
If Switch1 = OPEN Then ON