Documents for This Product
Express5800/R320c-E4, R320c-M4, R320d-E4, R320d-M4 Installation Guide (Windows Server 2008)
Documents for This Product
Documents for this product are provided as booklets (
) and as electronic manuals (
) in the
Precautions for Use
Describes points of caution to ensure the safe use of this server.
Read these cautions before using this server.
Getting Started
Describes how to use this server, from unpacking to operations.
See this guide at first and read the outline of this product.
User’s Guide
Chapter 1: General Description
Overviews, names, and functions of the server components
Chapter 2: Preparations
Installation of additional options, connection of peripheral devices,
and suitable location for this server
Chapter 3: Setup
System BIOS configurations and summary of EXPRESSBUILDER
Chapter 4: Appendix
Installation Guide (Windows Server 2008)
Chapter 1: Installing OS
Installation of OS and drivers, and important information for installation
Chapter 2: Installing Bundled
Installation of bundled software, such as NEC ESMPRO
Maintenance Guide
(Windows Server 2008)
Chapter 1: Maintenance
Server maintenance and troubleshooting
Chapter 2 Configuring and
Upgrading the System
Configure hardware and setup management tool associated with
Chapter 3: Useful Features
Useful features and the detail of system BIOS settings, SAS
Configuration Utility, and EXPRESSBUILDER
Other documents
Provides the detail of NEC ESMPRO, BMC Configuration, and the other features.