User’s Guide
Installing and Using Application Programs
Hiding and showing windows on the desktop
You can hide all windows except those of the active application by
choosing Hide Others from the Application menu.
The other applications remain open even though their windows are
hidden. When you switch to another application, its windows
become visible again.
If you want to see all the open windows, choose Show All from the
Application menu.
Backing up your files
Making backup copies of important files is good protection against
possible damage to the originals.
• You can back up files stored on your hard disk by copying
them to floppy disks.
• You can back up an entire floppy disk by copying it to
another floppy disk, or to a hard disk.
• You can use a commercial backup application to copy new
and changed files from a hard disk to another hard disk, to a
tape drive, or to a series of floppy disks.
• If your computer is on a network, you can back up files by
copying them to a shared disk on the network.