Installing or reinstalling system software
Doing a custom installation
For most Mac OS users, the Easy Install procedure described in the
previous sections is appropriate, because it automatically installs
all the items you need. However, if you would like to select a
combination of system software files for your specific needs, you
can customize your system software installation. You use custom
installation to install or update one or more specific files, or to save
space on your hard disk by installing only the files you want.
To install customized system software, follow these steps:
1. Start up your computer from the CD-ROM disc containing
system software.
See Starting up from a CD-ROM disc on page 6-45 or How to initialize
a hard disk on page 6-43.
2. Find the specific Installer you want in the Software Installers
The Mac OS 7.6 Installer is shown here. Other system software
installers are similar.