Testing and repairing a damaged disk
Testing and repairing a damaged disk
Hard disks and floppy disks can become damaged by repeated use
and handling.
When do you need to repair a disk?
If you see a message reporting that a disk is damaged or
unreadable, you may need to repair the disk.
Dealing with a potentially damaged disk consists of several steps,
which are explained in more detail later in this section:
• verifying the disk (checking for imperfections) with an
application called Disk First Aid
• repairing any problems detected by Disk First Aid
• testing the disk with an application called Drive Setup
• repairing any problems detected by Drive Setup by using
Disk First Aid (or another disk repair application) a second
time, or, if the problem cannot be repaired, by reinitializing
the disk
Before you begin verifying and testing a disk you think is damaged,
try the following possible solutions.
Try these suggestions first
If you cannot start up from a hard disk or you do not see the hard
disk icon on the desktop, try the following:
• If the hard disk is internal, power off the computer by using
Shut Down. Wait at least 10 seconds, and then power it on
• If the hard disk is external, make sure that it is powered on
and that its cable is connected firmly. Restart the computer.