ZXa / Zxe
Document No.996-071, Revision:
Aug 99
14.1.1 General Events
This option allows special system-event operation on several general functions as shown below. Any item set to
event “0” means that this item is not in use.
General System Event Name
When the event is generated
Fault Event
Detection of a fault
Pre-Alarm Event
Any detector entering a pre-alarm condition
Delayed Day mode Event
Detection of a fire in a delayed-day mode
Local Fire Event
Any detector connected to the panel entering
a fire condition
Common Fire Event
Any panel connected to a Master entering a
fire condition.
Silence Event (1)
When the external alarms are silenced
Simple Co-incidence Event
2 devices enter a fire condition.
(This is independent of device type).
AC Fail Event
When the AC fail timer has expired (1 minute)
Reset Event (2)
Generated when the panel is reset.
Table 12 - General System Events
The silence event is automatically created as non-latching. The event is removed when
silence is canceled (e.g. by re-sounding the alarms or resetting the panel).
A reset event is transient. It is removed 15s after the panel has reset.
14.1.2 Event Logic
The System event logic allows complex logic sequences to be programmed into the fire panel.
The logic modes support both “AND” (coincidence) and “OR” functions on events, together with timers adjustable
in 1 second steps up to 999 seconds.
A PC is essential for programming event logic.
The “ Logic” display allows any event sequence uploaded from the PC to be inspected on the Panel.