/ Z
Document No. 996-071, Revision:
Aug 99
5.4.3 Detector loop addressable sounder circuit controller units(SCC)
One or more addressable sounder controller units may be included on each loop of the system. Refer to the
relevant manufacturers’ literature for precise details on how to wire these devices.
Open and short circuits on the sounder wiring are detected by the SCC module, logged, and displayed by the
control panel. Wiring faults on the loop are also detected by the panel and again logged and displayed.
Any SCC connected to the system can be configured to sound for fires in ANY zone in the system.
When SCC units are used, their zonal programming selection is shown by using the same configure "Sounder"
option as the on board outputs. For example, an SCC module wired onto loop 2 at address number 117 may be
shown as:-
SCC Pattern
2:117 001
This shows all sounders wired into the SCC module located on loop 2 at address 117 will use ringing pattern
number 1.
5.4.4 Peripheral loop addressable sounder circuit controller units
Up to 15 4-way sounder cards can be added to the system via the 485 peripheral loop.
These sounders are programmed in the same way as the other sounders.
When shown on the display, the letter “P” appears in front of the address. This indicates the output is on the
peripheral bus. A letter is added after the address to indicate relay A, B, C or D.
When peripheral bus units are used, their zonal programming selection is shown by using the same "Sounder"
option as the on board and loop driven outputs. For example, a sounder circuit controller SCC module wired onto
the peripheral bus with an address of 11may be shown as :-
SCC Pattern
P:11:B 004
This shows that all sounders wired into the output 'B' of the sounder circuit controller wired onto the peripheral
bus at address 11 will use ringing pattern 004.
An auto-learn must be performed on the peripherals before they will be added to the list of
sounder circuit outputs.
Refer to the 4-Way Sounder Installation Guide further information.