/ Z
Document No. 996-071, Revision:
Aug 99
In the above example, the internal warning buzzer will sound and the sensor location will be shown on the display
immediately a fire is detected. If this Stage 1 alarm is not acknowledged at the panel by pressing the "MUTE /
ACCEPT" button within the 30 seconds a full alarm will be generated.
Pressing the “MUTE / ACCEPT” button within this period will cause stage 2 to be entered.
The stage 2 timer will start counting down as soon the panel detects an alarm signal (i.e. starts at the same time
as stage 1). Setting the stage 2 time for a longer period than stage 1 provides the user with the opportunity to
investigate the cause of the alarm and take appropriate action. If the panel is not reset by the time stage 2 has
expired, a full fire alarm will be raised.
Finally, the display prompts the zones that are to be used in delayed mode.
Zone[01] to [12] run in day mode [FALSE]
The above example shows that zones 1 to 12 inclusive will not use the day mode times and hence, a fire alarm
will be generated immediately any sensor in these zones detects a high sensor reading.
To change the zones, use the
’ or
’ to select the appropriate field. Use the number keys to change the zone
numbers. Use the Change key to toggle between [TRUE] and [FALSE].
The user can choose to enable and disable the delayed day mode at level 2. This is as
described in the user manual.
Note that for compliance with EN54 the maximum total delay is 10 minutes, therefore the stage 2 delay plus any
sounder delay must not exceed this time.