/ Z
Document No. 996-071, Revision:
Aug 99
5.2.1 Auto Learn
This facility saves considerable time and effort when installing a system, or when changing sensor configuration.
It allows the system to learn for itself what devices have been installed on a particular loop.
from the configure menu to select "Auto "Learn". The display will respond with the message :-
Auto Learn finds ALL device addresses
and types on loop 1. Shall I do this ?
To proceed with "Auto Learn", press the
key. The system will confirm your command with the message
"Program Running" on the display. It may take up to half a minute to learn a complete loop. Each possible sensor
address is checked to see if any detector is installed at that address. If a detector has been installed, the panel
determines the type of the detector. If more than one detector is located at a single address, or the detector type
code is invalid, a warning message will appear on the display.
Do not press any key until the display changes from the “program running” message.
Once the system has finished learning, it will respond with a display giving a summary of the detectors found on
the loop. For example.
Ion Opto Temp Sounder MCP Zone-Mon Other
37 24 2 8 14 2 3
This display should be checked, against the installation sheets, to ensure that the system has found the correct
number of devices.
Pressing any key then restores the display to the normal commissioning menu.
The Auto Learn sequence should be repeated for each loop on the system. It can be used as many times as
required and does not affect the text description used to describe the location of each sensor.
Always verify that the system has found all devices correctly. Use the "Devices" option to
obtain detailed information on the device type and to see the address of each device found
on the loop.
5.2.2 Zones
The system can be divided into 20, 40 or 80 "zones" for the ZXe panel & 20 “zones” for the ZXa panel. Each
zone may contain one or more devices. The zone assignment option allows the commissioning engineer to
quickly assign the sensors to the appropriate zone. It defaults so that all devices are in zone 1.
from the configure menu to select the “zones” option. The display will then show:
All devices on Loop 01 from address
[001] to address [126] are in zone [01]
This display shows several pieces of information. To avoid ambiguity as to what can be modified, the display will
flash the item that can be changed. If you want to change it, then simply type the new value over the top. For
The "from address" number (i.e. 001) will be flashing to show this item can be changed, if required. To make this
address 24, enter "
”. The display will then show the new zonal range as :-