ZXa / Zxe
Document No.996-071, Revision:
Aug 99
9 Power Supplies Option
This option displays the current state of the AC Mains and Battery supplies.
Should a fault occur and the AC Mains fail, the backlighting on the alphanumeric liquid crystal display will be
turned off to conserve battery power.
To select the option, press
from Page 2 of the commission menus.
10 Passwords Option
This option allows the number of User Level 2 passwords and the value of each password to be defined.
To select the option, press
from Page 2 of the commission menus. The display then prompts the number of
User Level 2 passwords allowed.
Number of Passwords = 1?
Up to ten User Level 2 passwords can be assigned and used.
Press Yes to accept the number of passwords and step on. Press No if the number of passwords is incorrect.
Then enter the required number using the number keys.
The display then prompts the value of the first User Level 2 password as follows:
Password for User 1 = 1234 ok ?
Press Yes to accept this value and step on to the next password.
Press Change and then enter the new number using the number keys to assign a new code value.
Repeat for each password. When all passwords have been accepted or changed, the display prompts the period
that the panel should remain in Level 2 (without a key being pressed) before automatically inhibiting the keys and
returning to User Level 1.
Max level 2 time = 15 minutes ?
Press Yes to accept this value and return to the commission menu. Alternatively, change the value as required.
The default time is 5 minutes.