Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 100A Ferroresonant Rectifier J85503A-1
7 - 4 Troubleshooting and Adjustments
Issue 6 October 1998
4. Rectifier goes to high
voltage at turn-on.
1. Output Volts Adj
potentiometer is set too
2. CM2 board is
3. Open triac.
1. Turn potentiometer
2. Replace CM2 as
described under “Replace
CM2 Control Board” in
Section 8.
3. Replace triac as
described under
“Thyristors (Q1 or Q2)”
in Section 8.
5. Rectifier RFA lights at
certain loads.
1. Unbalance circuit is
1. Replace CM2 as
described under “Replace
CM2 Control Board” in
Section 8.
6. Control panel digital
meter does not light.
1. Defective wiring to
CM3 digital meter board.
2. CM3 board is defective.
3. CM2 board is defective.
1. Check wiring to CM3
board. Check connectors
J1B on CM3 and J3A on
CM2 for proper insertion.
2. Replace CM3 as
described under “Replace
CM3 Digital Meter Board”
in Section 8 and then
calibrate as described
under “Calibrate CM3
Digital Meter” in this
3. Replace CM2 as
described under “Replace
CM2 Control Board” in
Section 8.
7. Power LED is on; ac is
good; rectifier output
voltage is zero.
1. Open ac contactor coil
or contactor not making
1. Turn off power at ac
service panel and measure
contactor coil resistance. If
it is open, replace
Table 7-A: Troubleshooting (Sheet 2 of 3)
Probable Cause
Probable Corrective