Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 100A Ferroresonant Rectifier J85503A-1
Issue 6 October 1998
Safety 4 - 3
Hazardous DC energy (from batteries and rectifier
output) and voltages up to 600 volts are present in
the unit. Use a voltmeter to insure no voltage, or the
expected voltage, is present before contacting any
uninsulated conductor surface. Follow the
procedures in the order given to minimize dangerous
encounters with these voltages. Exercise extreme
caution when working near the battery busbars.
When servicing the rectifier, disconnect the ac
service and the dc battery buses. Use extreme
caution when handling the battery bus cables since
these cables still contain hazardous currents from
the batteries. The disconnected charge battery and
charge ground connectors (cables) must be taped
adequately to prevent them from contacting each
other or any other metal surface. Alternatively, the
dc battery cables from the rectifier can be
disconnected at the plant charge battery and charge
ground buses.
DC capacitors may be charged even with power
disconnected from the rectifier. If filter capacitor
fuses have blown, capacitors will be charged.
Always check all of the dc capacitor terminals
(observe polarity) with a voltmeter before
performing this procedure, and discharge capacitors
safely, if necessary.
Wait at least 5 minutes after shutting down ac
and circuit breaker before working on capacitors
or associated buswork.
Batteries may be connected in parallel with the
output of the rectifiers. Turning off the rectifiers will
not necessarily remove power from the bus. Battery
voltage may still be present on one side of the output
DC circuit breaker even with the circuit breaker off.
Make sure the battery power is also disconnected
and/or follow safety procedures while working on
any equipment that contains hazardous
Use only properly insulated tools.
Remove all metallic objects (key chains, glasses,
rings, watches, or any other jewelry).
Wear safety glasses.
Test circuits before touching.
Lock out and tag any circuit breakers/fuses when