Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 100A Ferroresonant Rectifier J85503A-1
Issue 6 October 1998
Table of Contents - 3
Backup High Voltage Shutdown (HVSD) Test
Meter Calibration Test (On Line)
Adjust Rectifiers to Float Voltage
Adjust Rectifiers Individually
Troubleshooting and
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Clear Rectifier Failure Alarm (RFA)
Adjust Isolated Current Measuring Circuit (VI)
Spare Parts and Replacement Procedures
Modifying the CM1 Option Board
Replace CM3 Digital Meter Board
General Considerations for Replacing Components
Output Volts Adjustment Potentiometer
DC Output Circuit Breaker, CBA1 and CBA1 Bracket 8 - 12
Protective Shield