This section describes how to restore all factory defaults or just the Installer Menu factory defaults either on
a single TV that is currently in Pass-through Mode, FTG Mode, Application Tuning Mode, etc. or on multiple
TVs that are currently in FTG Mode.
Restore All Factory Defaults
This section describes how to restore a single TV, regardless of its mode, to a factory default condition.
The following procedure requires that you contact LG technical support to obtain a predefined value/
password for Installer Menu item 117 FACT DEFAULT that enables access to initiate a factory “IN-STOP”
process, which restores all factory defaults. This procedure will also reactivate the First Use Wizard.
1. Use the Installer Remote to access the TV’s Installer Menu, navigate to Installer Menu item 117 FACT
DEFAULT, and key in the value provided by technical support. Then, press
2. At the prompt for confirmation, key in the password provided by technical support. This will initiate the
IN-STOP that restores the factory defaults on the TV.
Installer Menu Item 117 FACT DEFAULT
If the TV is currently in Pass-through Mode, you can set Installer Menu item 117 FACT DEFAULT to 1 to
restore the Installer Menu factory defaults and clear the PTC Channel Map, including any assigned
channel icons and custom text labels. Note, however, that if a complete restoration of the TV’s factory
defaults is required, see “Restore All Factory Defaults” above.
Additional FTG Mode via CPU Options
There are two additional options for restoring Pass-through Mode/Installer Menu factory defaults on TVs
that are in FTG Mode via the CPU. The first enables you to restore a single TV to Pass-through Mode, while
the second enables you to restore multiple TVs to Pass-through Mode at one time. However, both options
require that you create a “Restore_Pass-through_Mode.tlx” file, i.e., an FTG Configuration file with no data.
Refer to the
Cloud Configuration Tool User Guide
for further information.
• Using a USB memory device, import a “Restore_Pass-through_Mode.tlx” file to the TV. Refer to “Importing
a Clone File” on pages 51 to 54 for further information on the import procedure.
• If your system uses a Pro:Centric server for remote management of UT570H/UT577H TVs that are
in FTG Mode, use the Pro:Centric Admin Client to load a “Restore_Pass-through_Mode.tlx” file on the
Pro:Centric server. Refer to the
Pro:Centric Server Admin Client User Guide
for further information.
Additional FTG Mode via EBL Options
There are two additional options for restoring Pass-through Mode/factory defaults on TVs that are in FTG
Mode via the EBL. The first enables you to restore a single TV to Pass-through Mode, while the second
enables you to restore multiple TVs to Pass-through Mode at one time.
Note: While the IN-STOP process described above will clear both the PTC and the CPU, both
options below only clear the PTC. Thus, the current Channel Map and TV setup menu settings
will remain in the CPU after the reset is completed.
• Using a direct PC-to-TV connection, “Write” an unpopulated Channel Map—that is, a Channel Map with 0
(zero) channels—to the TV. See Reference section, “FTG Mode via EBL (Local Configuration),” and/or the
Free-To-Guest (FTG) Device Configuration Application User Guide
for further information.
• If your system uses an FMA for remote management/broadcast configuration, configure the FMA
device with an FMA Configuration (.fma) file that only contains a “0 Mapped Channels” FTG Channel Map
to broadcast to the TV EBL(s). Refer to the
Free-To-Guest (FTG) Device Configuration Application
User Guide
and/or the Installation & Configuration Guide for the FMA device for further information.
Reference: Restoring Factory Defaults on the TV(s)