Korenix Technology Co., Ltd.
Layer 3 Managed Ethernet Switch
Industrial Layer 3 Managed Ethernet SwitchUser Manual
Page: 264/1568 Command Scheduler Policy-list
Policy lists consist of one or more lines of fully-quanlified EXEC CLI commands. All commands in a
policy list are executed when the policy list is run by Command Scheduler using the kron occurrence
command. The policy list is run in the order in which it was configured.
One policy-list could be allowed to add to one occurrence.
kron policy-list <name>
no policy-list <name>
<name> -
Specifies the policy-list name which is to be used in the occurrence.
no -
This command deletes the policy-list.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config
Specify the EXEC CLI commands to a policy list. Maximum 16 EXEC CLI commands could be added
into a policy-list.
cli <LINE> <LINE> <LINE>
Default Setting
Command Mode
Kron-policy Config Mode