8.3 The Three Welding Tools
There are three welding tools in KNK Studio with some very specific uses for each. In the following examples,
these are used for creating some basic designs. However, there are many situations in which welding can be
used to achieve other results, such as welding to the interior of shapes or creating lattices.
Basic Weld
Circle, pentagon, heart Overlap shapes Use
Basic Weld
toolbar) Result: Balloon
Also refer to
Section 5.4 Connected Letter Title with a Mat
Section 5.9 Incorporating Dingbat Images in a Title
Section 5.10 Welding Text to Frames
, and
Section 5.12 Stenciling Letters.
AND Weld
Circle, 15 point star Overlap shapes Use
AND Weld
Result: Crown (Or Fern)
XOR Weld
Two overlapping circles Use
XOR Weld
toolbar) Separate the images: 2 Moons
8.4 Stencil Tool
The purpose of the Stencil Tool is to apply one of five possible effects to an image. The choices are Horizontal,
Vertical, Square, Circular and Conical and samples of each of the five are shown:
Turn on
View>Show Fill
. Select the image and then select the
icon under the
tools (second
from right). After selecting an effect, slowly drag the various handles on the image until desired effect is
achieved. Again, these are only a few of the many possible looks available.