(7) Alternatively, the stem and bulb can be selected and then welded to remove the overlap by selecting the
Weld Tools
icon and clicking on
Basic Weld
Before Welding After Welding
(8) Finally, the individual pieces are re-colored so that the individual colored paths can be selected for cutting
from different colored pieces of paper or cardstock. Refer to
Section 4.4 Cutting By Color.
Combined Straight Line and Curved Tracing
When manually tracing some images, you will want to combine both straight line and curved line tracing in your
design. Note that you can easily switch from one mode to the other without stopping the trace. When you reach
a point where you wish to switch, right click and select the circle icon to switch to curve tracing or select the
corner node (+) to switch to straight line tracing. In the following example, a wine bottle is traced.
The trace is started near the
top of the bottle and straight
line is drawn.
Once the curve section
begins, right click to bring up
menu and pick top right circle
Switch to curve tracing
for bottom of bottle.
Switch back to
straight line
tracing for
this part.
Continue curve tracing
to fit curvature of bottle.
Back to
straight line.
Again, use
curve tracing
for this part.
Finish up the top
of the bottle with
straight lines.