© ⅯⅯⅩⅢ Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 130115001
install an overpressure relief valve (Part #200-017).
If the first stage develops a leak, the full pressure of
the tank could be placed on the low pressure hose.
This could cause the hose to burst. The overpressure
relief valve will bleed off any leak.
Make sure the emergency valve knob is turned off,
otherwise the emergency gas supply will be used up
without the diver’s knowledge. Once the emergency
supply hose is connected, the tank valve is turned on
to pressurize the hose. In the event of an emergency
due to a loss of the main gas supply, the emergency
valve knob located on the side block is turned on
supplying gas to the side block assembly and the
a standard SCuba submersible pressure
gauge must be connected to the high
pressure port on the first stage so that the
diver can monitor his emergency supply.
Never dive without an over pressurization
relief valve installed on the EGS regulator
(1st stage). Without the relief valve if the
EGS regulator develops an internal leak, or
carries-away, the full pressure of the EGS
cylinder would be placed on the low-pressure
EGS hose and the Emergency Valve. This
could cause the low-pressure hose to burst
resulting in the complete loss of the EGS
An over-pressure relief valve must be
installed on the first stage used for the
Emergency Gas Supply.
Never connect the main gas supply hose
from the diving control station to the
Emergency Gas valve assembly (EGS).
If this is done there is no one way valve
protection for the diver in the event of
damage to the umbilical or related equip-
ment. The diver could be exposed to a
serious “squeeze”. This can result in seri-
ous personal injury or death.