Table 101: Router Configuration and Transmission of DHCP Reply
Packets .................................................................................................493
Table 102: Effect of Commands on Option 82 Suboption Settings ..............503
Chapter 22
Monitoring and Troubleshooting DHCP
Table 103: show ip dhcp-local excluded Output Fields ................................536
Table 104: show dhcp binding Output Fields ...............................................539
Table 105: show dhcp count Output Fields ..................................................541
Table 106: show dhcp host Output Fields ....................................................543
Table 107: show ip dhcp-external binding Output Fields .............................545
Table 108: show ip dhcp-external binding-id ...............................................546
Table 109: show ip dhcp-local binding Output Fields ..................................547
Table 110: show ip dhcp-external configuration Output Fields ....................547
Table 111: show ip dhcp-external statistics Output Fields ...........................548
Table 112: show dhcp-external Output Fields ..............................................549
Table 113: show ip dhcp-local pool Output Fields ........................................551
Table 114: show ip dhcp-local auth Output Fields .......................................552
Table 115: show ip dhcp-local Output Fields ...............................................553
Table 116: show ip dhcp-local leases Output Fields .....................................555
Table 117: show ip dhcp-local statistics output fields. .................................556
Table 118: show dhcp vendor-option Output Fields ....................................559
Table 119: show ip dhcp-capture Output Fields ...........................................559
Table 120: show dhcp relay Output Fields ...................................................560
Table 121: show dhcp relay proxy statistics Output Fields ..........................562
Table 122: show dhcp relay statistics Output Fields ....................................564
Table 123: show dhcp server statistics Output Fields ..................................566
Table 124: show dhcp server Output Fields .................................................567
Table 125: show ipv6 dhcpv6-local binding Output Fields ...........................568
Table 126: show ipv6 dhcpv6-local dns-domain-searchlist Output Fields .....568
Table 127: show ipv6 dhcpv6-local dns-servers Output Fields .....................569
Table 128: show ipv6 dhcpv6-local prefix-lifetime Output Fields .................569
Table 129: show ipv6 dhcpv6-local statistics Output Fields .........................570
Table 130: show ip dhcp-local duplicate-clients Output Fields .....................571
Table 131: show ip dhcp-local limits Output Fields ......................................572
Table 132: show ip dhcp-local reserved Output Fields .................................573
Table 133: show dhcp summary Output Fields ...........................................574
Part 5
Managing the Subscriber Environment
Chapter 24
Monitoring Subscriber Management
Table 134: show ip service-profile Output Fields .........................................593
Table 135: show ip-subscriber Output Fields ...............................................595
Chapter 26
Monitoring Subscriber Interfaces
Table 136: show ip demux interface Output Fields ......................................629
Table 137: show ip-subscriber Output Fields ...............................................631
Part 6
Managing Subscriber Services
Chapter 27
Configuring Service Manager
Table 138: Service Manager Terms and Acronyms ......................................636
Table 139: JUNOSe Objects Tracked by Service Manager ............................640
List of Tables
JUNOSe 11.0.x Broadband Access Configuration Guide
Страница 6:
Страница 28: ...xxviii Table of Contents JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 36: ...xxxvi List of Tables JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 42: ...2 Managing Remote Access JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 204: ...164 Managing RADIUS and TACACS JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 274: ...234 CLI Commands Used to Modify RADIUS Attributes JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 292: ...252 Monitoring RADIUS Relay Server JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 336: ...296 RADIUS Client Terminate Reasons JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 368: ...328 Managing L2TP JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 408: ...368 Configuring the Weighted Load Balancing Method JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 444: ...404 PPP Accounting Statistics JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 492: ...452 Monitoring Operational Status within the Current VR Context JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 494: ...454 Managing DHCP JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 510: ...470 DHCP Local Server Configuration Tasks JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 528: ...488 Configuring the Router to Work with the SRC Software JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 556: ...516 Configuring DHCP Relay Proxy JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 616: ...576 Managing the Subscriber Environment JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 632: ...592 Subscriber Management Configuration Examples JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 636: ...596 Monitoring Active IP Subscribers Created by Subscriber Management JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 672: ...632 Monitoring Active IP Subscribers Created by Subscriber Management JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 674: ...634 Managing Subscriber Services JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...
Страница 767: ...Part 7 Index Index on page 729 Index 727...
Страница 768: ...728 Index JUNOSe 11 0 x Broadband Access Configuration Guide...