JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
11.12 Firmware update
A firmware update or change makes it possible to change the behaviour
of updatable devices (control panel, radio modules, keypads, detectors etc.) with
a package that the manufacturer officially releases in the Jablotron sever.
F-Link downloads from the Jablotron server automatically (after a query),
if in the F-Link menu the Automatic Updates item is activated (in the default
setting it is activated). If the item is not enabled F-Link will make it possible to find
the way to the FWP files in the computer manually before the upgrade.
More in chapter 11.12 Firmware update.
11.13 Label print
To print labels with names of the actually used segment of access modules
it is convenient to use the Print Labels function in the internal settings window
of each used access modules, see chapter Segments tab.
You can enter your own text to be printed. Edited texts are not saved
by the software after the print, so they are not available for possible repeated
11.14 History of Settings
The control panel saves the settings of all devices with changes of their programming to the SD card.
And it also records the event “Configuration backup created” in the history with information about the file name.
It includes the configuration before change execution to ensure a way to get the previous configuration back,
to browse through it and to check when that change was done. To browse through saved configuration
changes, open Events from the control panel memory and search for the configuration change events according
to the date and time and for comparing with the current system programming, load it, and look in the “History”
tab available in left upper corner of the “system settings” window. Changes in configuration are highlighted
by blue italics letters. From the saved backup file it is possible to accept the changes and by clicking
on the “Save” button save it to the control panel or after browsing through the changes get back the current
settings by clicking on the “Current” tab. All configuration modifications are saved to the folder called BACKUP,
in the file CFGxxxxx.bak with a number according to the order of performed changes.