JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
2. If the installation technician cannot access the Internet (the MyJABLOTRON web service) at the moment, the
Activation Code can be requested with an SMS.
An SMS message in the format: „
SNLANG_registration code
“ can be sent to the phone number
+420 773 181 815
. An answer with the activation code will be sent shortly after that. The activation code
may contain 8 to 14 numerals and case-sensitive letters.
Example of sending a request using an SMS
The received activation code should be entered in F-Link in the Initial setup tab, using the Activate
3. Getting the Activation Code from your distributor. When asking for the Activation Code you will need to
provide the registration code of the control panel.
Depending on country, the activation code can be also
found on the package box of the control panel.