JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
There may be max. 2 common segments on one keypad at the most. The selected section can be mutual for
both common segments.
The “Common segment” is only offered if more than two segments for section control are connected to
the module.
It is not suitable to combine the Common Segment function with the Common Section function.
10.5.2 Example of settings of an internal siren:
– used to select sections for which alarm will be acoustically indicated by the sirens
– selection for the alarm indication options EW (external warning indication) or IW (internal warning
indication). The difference is described in table 8.5 Types of alarms.
Siren sound
– selection of the way of siren sound: Intermittent (50/50) / Continuous
Maximum siren time
– limitation of the maximum hooting time to 1 to 5 minutes (supposing the control panel
alarm is longer; otherwise it stops together with the control panel alarm)
Higher loudness
– possibility to set higher and lower loudness volume of indication of the entry and exit delay
and indication of PG output control. It does not have any impact on alarm hooting, which is always set
to the highest volume.
Beeps during section control
– acoustic confirmation of section status changes
Entrance and exist delay beeps
– acoustic indication of an entrance / exit delay
Signalling PG
– acoustic confirmation of changes in the PG outputs of the used segments. Allows you
to select sounds assigned to a specific PG output to distinguish them acoustically, for instance pressing
the doorbell button has a different sound to the sound of a PG output triggered by opening the door.
– button for a 3 second test of acoustic and optical alarm indication