JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
Confirmed fire reaction
– if a fire detector with this reaction is activated, only an unconfirmed fire alarm
is reported to the ARC and the system waits for confirmation of the fire by another fire detector.
In the Parameters tab you can define whether the confirmation can come from any section or it must be from
the same section. The time period of waiting for confirmation of a fire alarm is set in the Parameters tab. If fire
is not confirmed within the pre-determined period of time, no fire alarm is released. Confirmed reaction can only
be used if a higher number of fire detectors are installed in the building (to enable confirming).
Warning: This function and its use have to be taken seriously in accordance with a local requirements
and norms.
Repeated reaction
– if a detector with this reaction type is activated, the system waits whether activation
of the same detector will be repeated. In the Parameters tab you can set the time period for which the system
waits for repeated activation and also the time for which the detector is disregarded. If activation of the detector
is not repeated within the pre-set time period (adjustable from 6 to 120 sec), the system will cancel the first
activation. The repeated reaction is used in environment with an increased risk of occasional false alarms
e.g. caused by rodents, small insects, drafts etc.
Three-strikes function (3x and STOP!)
- all detectors with an activated alarm reaction of the intrusion and
fire type are limited to three possible activations of the control panel during one monitoring period at the most.
After three activations (on the fourth intrusion) a bypass is activated for the respective alarm input and
the corresponding sensor is excluded from further activity. If these three activations occur during an alarm, three
alarm SMS messages are generated altogether and then the detector is disabled. If these three activations
occur in time intervals that are longer than the duration of an alarm, three alarm SMS messages are generated,
three alarms are triggered and then the detector is disabled.
This function can be extended by the “Device autobypass” parameter, you can find it on the Parameters tab
and the selection “3
alarm” – now it can reach up to 3 activations from every device during all of a maximum
of 3 alarms.
It means that up to nine (3x3) alarm SMS messages can be sent. A bypass can be cancelled by unsetting and
subsequently setting the section, then the detector is back in guarding mode again. The bypass for the fire and
flooding reaction is also cancelled automatically on the next day at 12:00 (according to the parameter
“Daily reset of device autobypass” on the Parameters tab). The bypass mechanism of 3x and stop is not applied
to devices where the Panic reaction has been set. The number of triggered faults can be limited a similar way
(see “Fault autobypass” on the Parameters tab).
Delayed report to ARC
– According to the EN50131-1 norm requirement to reduce the number of false
alarms caused by end user invalid operation of the system and security agency intervention. When enabled,
an Internal alarm (sirens, keypad indication) will be triggered after the entrance delay has timed out,
but the system waits for 15 sec to send an alarm report to the ARC. A user has 15 sec more to unset the system
without triggering an alarm reported to the ARC. If he does it in time, nothing will be reported. This delay is only
related to an alarm triggered by a delay zone. Other alarm types (instant, fire, tamper, etc..) are reported
immediately with no delay regardless of this function.