JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
by selectively loading not enrolled BUS devices
– if one or more devices that have not been
enrolled yet are connected to the BUS, after pressing of
in the
Enroll not
button will be displayed, which will offer enrollment of the BUS device. You will enroll
the device by double clicking on the selected item.
e. by collectively loading
not enrolled BUS devices
– if one or more devices that have not been
enrolled yet are connected to the BUS, after pressing of the
Scan/add new BUS devices
button all the BUS devices will be enrolled collectively. This procedure does not allow you
to determine the sequential positions for individual devices.
3. You can delete a device by deleting its production code (just the entire device will be deleted)
or by selecting the respective line in the Devices tab and the Delete option in the menu or under
the right mouse button or by merely pressing the Delete key, which will delete the whole line
of the device (with its settings of the section, reaction, PG output control, notes and other options).
This way, after marking more devices (click+Shift or click+Ctrl) you can delete all of them or you
can just change a common parameter.
BUS devices that have not been enrolled flash with yellow light. If a not enrolled device does not start
flashing with the yellow LED within approx. 180 sec. after enabling of the power supply of the control
panel (in the course of initialization) check whether the device is properly connected.
Wireless devices with unidirectional communication do not have any means of signalling the enrollment
If you enroll a device in the system using the above mentioned procedure, the next position will be offered
automatically. You do not need to take any steps; you just need to enroll devices in the selected order.
Automatic movement to the next position can be cancelled in the device enrollment window.
If you enroll an already enrolled device on another position, it will move.
If a device occupies more than one position, it will automatically occupy the respective number
of consecutive position by one enrollment (e.g. the JA-110M module, which has two alarm inputs,
will occupy two positions). Caution, inadvertent deletion of device enrolled on other position can occur!
If you enroll a device on the highest possible position, the process of gradual enrollment will be
Free positions are set in section 1 by default. The selection of a section can be changed later.
For multi-position devices such as JA-116H, JA-118M, JA-150M etc. you can limit the number of occupied
positions by erasing specific lines when the module is enrolled. Perform erasing by clicking on the particular
line on required position (Not button in column type!) and press button Delete on the PC keyboard.
8.4.2 List of applicable reactions
In the Devices tab you can set the reaction of the system activation of an enrolled device. Only such types
of reactions are offered for individual devices that make sense for the particular product. There are some
devices that cannot be assigned any reaction (e.g. an external siren).
Immediate intrusion alarm if it is set. If an entry delay is set, an IW alarm
is released. An EW alarm is only released after expiration of the entry delay time
(more information about EW and IW - see chapter 8.5 Types of alarms).
Delayed A
Intrusion alarm with entry / exit delay, timer A.
Delayed B
Intrusion alarm with entry / exit delay, timer B.
Delayed C
Intrusion alarm with entry / exit delay, timer C.
Setting of timers A, B, C - see Parameters tab
In the Parameters tab you can set for this reaction that the exit delay will be
extended by an active detector with the delay C (e.g. for the time of opening
of the garage gate).
Next delayed
Intrusion alarm. A detector provides the same exit delay as the delayed detectors
in the same section. This detector will only provide the entry delay if it is activated
after a detector for which a delayed reaction has been set. If it is the first one to be
activated, it will release an alarm immediately. This setting makes sense
if a delayed detector is set in the same section.
Instant / Delayed A
The system reacts to triggering a detector (alarm, entrance delay) when partially
set as an Instant zone, and when fully set as a Delayed A zone.
Instant confirmed
Instant intrusion alarm – see the chapter 8.4.3
Confirmed intrusion reaction