JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
Voice menu overview:
Answers after 3 ringing impulses. The number of ringing impulses until answering (1.10) is adjustable in
the Communication tab and the tab of the respective communicator where entry in the voice menu
without code can be allowed.
Wrong code entry. After the third wrong entry the call will be terminated.
60s time limit for code entry. Every 5s the “Enter code” request is repeated.
The voice menu cannot be used during service.
All sections that can be controlled on the basis of the authorization are unset.
All sections that can be controlled on the basis of the authorization are set.
The sections that can be controlled on the basis of the authorization are in various statuses.
Valid for all authorizations except ARC / Service.
After sending of an INFO-SMS to the caller’s number.
*10) Points in the menu that do not make sense are skipped (e.g. if everything is set, the selection 1,2,3 is not
*11) The menu is adapted to the current status of the section.
*12) If the user has been authorized with the service code, selection 9 is possible - “For the voice message
recording mode press 9”
*13) Voice message recording mode
0 – “To record the installation name, press 0.” and then “Press star (*)”
1 – “To record section names, press 1”, then enter the number of section that you want to record and then
“Press star (*).”
2 (3,4,5) – “To record messages of report A (B, C, D), press 2 (3, 4, 5)“ and then “Press star (*)“
9 – “To delete all recorded messages, press 9.”
# – „To return to the main menu, press #.“
s.s.u. = section selected by you
y.s. = your section
“Time limit has expired. The call will be
“System service is
going on. The system
is temporarily
“Wrong code. Repeat code entry.”
“The status of all your
sections is: Unset.”
0 – “To unset s.s.u., press 0”
1 – “To fully set s.s.u., press 1”
2 – “For partial setting press 2”
3 – “To check status of individual
sections and their control press 3”
4 – “To send an overview information
SMS press 4”
7,8 – “To exit/open the service mode
press 7/8”
9 – “To enter the voice message
recording mode, press 9”
The status of section 1-15 is:
“Set/Unset/Party Set”
0 – “To unset s.s.u., press 0”
1 – “To set s.s.u., press 1”
2 – “To partially set y.s., press 2”
3 – “To enter the next s., press 3”
# – „To return to the main menu,
press #“
“Welcome to the JA100 system. Enter the code.“
Exiting the menu
by termination of the call
by expiration of the time limit (60 s of inactivity)
After the action: “Done” or after
section15 “This was an overview of all
your sections, now you are returning
to the main menu”
“The status of all your
sections is: Various”
”The call will be
Voice message
recording mode
“The status of all your
sections is: Set.”