JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
Ways of setting - table overview
System keypad
Via voice
Set always
Will set always despite faults
or triggered devices status
Will set always
despite faults or
triggered devices
Will set always
despite faults or
triggered devices
Will set always despite
faults or triggered devices
Set with
While attempting to set with a
fault or a triggered device, the
keypad flashes for 8 sec after
which the system will
automatically set. It’s possible
to set the system by pressing
the segment button again or
by pressing the Enter key.
Will set always
despite faults or
triggered devices
Will set always
despite faults or
triggered devices
Will set according to
“Ways of setting” in the
Service configuration tab
Set after
While attempting to set with a
fault or a triggered device, the
keypad flashes for 8 sec after
which the system will
automatically set. It’s possible
to set the system by pressing
the segment button again or
by pressing the Enter key.
Will set always
despite faults or
triggered devices
Will set always
despite faults or
triggered devices
Will set according to
“Ways of setting” (with Set
with check / set with no
check) in the Service
configuration tab
Will not set
with an
While attempting to set with a
fault or a triggered device, the
keypad flashes for 8 sec after
which the system will
automatically set. It’s possible
to set the system by pressing
the segment button again or
by pressing the Enter key.
Will not set when a
triggered detector is
set to an INSTANT
zone reaction
Will always set
despite faults or a
triggered devices
Will not set when a
triggered detector is set to
an INSTANT zone
9.12 Unsuccessful setting
It is a security function thanks to which the control panel checks within the exit delay if setting the system
can be executed and the security of the protected premises is not limited by the following cases. If the function
is enabled, then
unsuccessful setting
can be caused by:
1. Instant detector activation anytime during the exit delay (someone enters to an already protected area)
2. permanent activation of a detector with a delay reaction after the exit time has already expired (The user
forgot to close the main door, garage or gate, etc..)
In the case when setting the system is prevented, an “Unsuccessful setting “ event is triggered and indicated
by rapid flashing of the yellow backlit indication button on the keypads and also by their beeping,
and acoustically by an outdoor siren as well. Simultaneously it is reported to a specific user or to the system
administrator if the report “Unsuccessful setting is enabled, see F-Link SW, Communication tab.
To cancel the indication of unsuccessful setting it is necessary to select in the LCD keypad menu an option
called “Cancel warning indication” or if the “Default” system profile has been pre-set then by setting that section.